Category Archives: Strictly Come Dancing

Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Special 2021

The Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Special, returning after they had to make do with a clipshow last year. In a change to the recent format, they went back to what they did from the years 2010-2013 and got celebrities who hadn’t done Strictly before instead of inviting back former contestants.

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Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Special 2019

Strictly Come Dancing is pretty festive anyway, with all the glitter, so no surprise that it’s been a staple of the BBC’s Christmas TV schedules. There’s been one every year since 2004.

The Christmas Special ups the festivity with bells on, literally. Along with baubles, snowflakes, Christmas trees, and stars – both stars in the sense of paper decorations looking like those pretty, shining balls of gas we see in the night sky and stars in the sense of celebrities (obligatory “ones that will do a reality TV Christmas show and preferred this to doing a panto this year” disclaimer).

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Strictly Come Dancing (Series 16)

Strictly Come Dancing has managed to stay popular compared to many reality TV shows. I suppose it’s combination of camp, classy (by weekend reality TV show standards!) and “small c”conservative benefits it. But I don’t usually watch it that closely. Obviously it’s such a big show that I have some awareness of what’s happened while it’s on. But the
only ones I watched regularly were The One Alesha Dixon Won and The One Harry Judd Won. I usually watch The X Factor more. I guess I prefer karaoke to ballroom dancing!  But The X Factor has very, very much had its day, and frankly I just couldn’t be bothered with it this year.

So, while some Strictly contestants have never danced before, I feel in a similar position, as I have never blogged about it before and I my knowledge of dance is pretty much non-existent, but nonetheless, I got really into it this year, so here’s what I thought.

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