Pointless Celebrities: Writers Special

Once again I have a case of “blogger’s block”, if that is a thing. This one has been longer than most. For various reasons I haven’t had much time or been inspired enough to write a decent blogpost, but I want to post something at least once a month. I had several ideas, but either I couldn’t get it going or I didn’t think I’d be able to give them the time and effort they needed. So I’m just going to briefly talk about an episode of Pointless Celebrities from ages ago! Ironically, it was the Writers special, considering I’m talking about it because I can’t write much that’s any good at the moment.

Journalist Owen Jones and comedian Mark Watson won. They did well in quite tough episode. They were on to raise awareness for their chosen charities, Moldova Project (Watson) helping families in poverty in Moldova and RECLAIM Project (Jones) helping young working class people.

If I’m honest though, I think a main reason I liked the episode is quite superficial, as I fancy both of them. I also think in another universe they’d make a great couple!

So this has been a rather pointless post, pun slightly intended, but it’s unfortunately the best I can do at present time. Hopefully the next month will be better.